Revolver Magazine has premiered the savage “Internal Bleeding,” the track hailing from San Jose-based SPINEBREAKER‘s impending Ice Grave debut LP, which is set for release via Creator-Destructor Records in early January.
Suffer from “Internal Bleeding” courtesy of SPINEBREAKER at Revolver RIGHT HERE.
Also check out the previously premiered single, “River of Pain,” through BLOW THE SCENE HERE.
Unloading pure audio destruction — not overly calculated, lightning-fast or technical, but reliably menacing and heavy — through the twelve tracks that form Ice Grave, SPINEBREAKER reminds the listener of the glory days of 1990s Scandinavian, Swedish and American death metal in a way that is refreshing and punishing. While the band varies in tempo, sometimes grooving into Heartwork-era down-tuned riffage, and other times blasting their way through an onslaught of tremolo and thrash, the songs never cease to impress in their ability to maintain brutally heavy, while diverse and violent in their own way.
SPINEBREAKER‘s Ice Grave debut provides a soundtrack of raw, sonic death-metal annihilation in a world of human filth, greed, and corruption. Having slithered into the Bay Area hardcore and metal community over the past two years, the band’s explosive blend of European death metal is fueled through a sound and tendency for intense live performances out of love for an array of d-beat, punk, hardcore.
Creator-Destructor will issue Ice Grave on 12″ vinyl and through all digital outlets on January 15th, 2016. Preorders have gone live HERE.
Be wary of upcoming SPINEBREAKER tour announcements, additional audio previews and more as Ice Grave nears release.