CHILD BITE: Detroit Noise Rock Eccentrics Kick Off Tour With Lord Dying

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Detroit noise rock eccentrics/perpetual road demons CHILD BITE are set to ravage US streets again, this time supporting Lord Dying. The massive thirty-six date journey will commence tonight and run through September 29th. Additional support will be provided by Black Fast and Joel Grind!


CHILD BITEw/ Lord Dying, Black Fast, Joel Grind:
8/19/2016 The Panic Room – Portland, OR
8/20/2016 Highline – Seattle, WA
8/21/2016 The Pin – Spokane, WA
8/22/2016 The Shredder – Boise, ID
8/23/2016 Metro Bar – Salt Lake City, UT
8/24/2016 The Marquis Theater – Denver, CO
8/25/2016 Lookout Lounge – Omaha, NE
8/27/2016 El Club – Detroit, MI
8/28/2016 The Foundry – Lakewood, OH
8/30/2016 The Smiling Moose – Pittsburgh, PA
8/31/2016 Bugjar – Rochester, NY
9/01/2016 Trickshots – Albany, NY
9/02/2016 Great Scott – Boston, MA
9/03/2016 Saint Vitus Bar – Brooklyn, NY
9/04/2016 The Pinch – Washington DC
9/05/2016 Kung Fu Necktie – Philadelphia, PA
9/06/2016 Riffhouse Pub – Chesapeake, VA
9/07/2016 The Pour House – Raleigh, NC
9/08/2016 New Brookland Tavern – Columbia, SC
9/09/2016 The Haven – Orlando, FL
9/10/2016 Crowbar – Tampa, FL
9/11/2016 Churchill – Miami, FL
9/12/2016 1904 – Jacksonville, FL
9/13/2016 The Masquerade – Atlanta, GA
9/15/2016 Siberia – New Orleans, LA
9/16/2016 Walters – Houston, TX
9/17/2016 Dirty Dog Bar – Austin, TX
9/18/2016 Tomcats West – Fort Worth, TX
9/20/2016 Depot Obar Live – Lubbock, TX
9/22/2016 Pub Rock – Scottsdale, AZ
9/23/2016 White Oak Music – Los Angeles, CA
9/25/2016 The Dive Bar – Las Vegas, NV
9/27/2016 The DNA Lounge – San Francisco, CA
9/28/2016 Old Nick’s Pub – Eugene, OR
9/29/2016 3rd Street Pub – Bend, OR

CHIL BITE continues to astound ears with the apocalyptic sounds of Negative Noise, out now on Housecore Records. The wild, forty-seven-minute ride was produced by label head Philip H. Anselmo, mastered by Scott Hull (Pig Destroyer), and is where the Venn diagram of Black Flag, Voivod, and The Jesus Lizard truly overlaps.

The Sludgelord notes, “CHILD BITE creates an idiosyncratic racket, a chaotic collision of off-kilter punk, the weirder end of ’80s hardcore and rumbling post-punk. Negative Noise is an invigorating blast of dissonance, a blend of familiar influences twisted into their warped vision. Shawn Knight’s hyperactive drawl makes a compelling foil to the band’s manic yet inventive playing, as his Jello Biafra via Mike Watt drawl varies in intensity to match the song’s twists and turns.” New Noise Magazine calls CHILD BITE‘s Negative Noise, “…an adventurous slice of loud rock…They have the aggressive force of hardcore, but it’s filtered through grimy noise rock…Negative Noise showcases a band firing on all cylinders.” Brave Words observes, “The danger with this sort of artsy punk is that it can skirt a line between really interesting and creative and just really annoying and grating, really fast. Most bands who do this sort of thing end up being in the latter category, but CHILD BITE stay listenable, thanks to a ton of interesting and cool guitar work (check out ‘Video Blood’) and an ability to keep things toe-tapping and relatively rockin’, even if it’s rarely with a straight beat and is certainly never with an expected twist or turn,” adding, “References within the sphere of metal are hard to come by, but imagine if the first Mr. Bungle album wasn’t annoying circus music, and then remember that this band once did a 5″ record of Anal Cunt covers with Phil Anselmo on vocals, and you’re getting there.” Punk News concurs, “This is for the open minded punk, headbanger or weirdo. If you like your music a little on the ugly side, you owe it to yourself to check them out. (Especially if you get a chance to see them live.) Negative Noise can be a hard record to love, but ultimately it’s worth the effort.” No Clean Singing notes, ” Negative Noise possesses a brilliance and individuality all its own and is a refreshing breath of fetid air in an era saturated with a d-beat-only approach to punk and hardcore,” while KNAC hails, “…an all-over-the-place shitstorm of punk/hardcore, metal, noise/post rock, prog and even surf music in Brandon Sczomak’s shrill guitar jangle…it sounds sorta like someone stuffed Mr. Bungle/Fantomas, Voivod, old Clutch (especially in Shawn Knight’s husky baritone and seemingly extemporaneous delivery), Black Flag and The Jesus Lizard into a blender, pushed ‘grind’ and then forget to turn it off.”

Get weird with Negative Noise available at the Housecore Store HERE.
