MADDER MORTEM: Noisey Streams Red In Tooth And Claw Full-Length From Long-Running Avant Metal Unit; Record Drops Tomorrow Via Dark Essence


“We want to make music that assumes that the listener is too smart to accept stale, second-hand ideas hidden in non-threatening commercialist packaging and production. We want to make music that demands your attention, that you must invest in to understand, but that will keep giving you something fresh on the tenth and the hundredth listen.” — Agnete M. Kirkevaag, MADDER MORTEM

Tomorrow marks the long-awaited release of Red In Tooth And Claw, the sixth full-length studio offering from Norwegian avant metal collective, MADDER MORTEM.

In advance of its official unveiling, Vice’s music portal Noisey is streaming the record in its magical entirety noting, “Oslo fivesome MADDER MORTEM is a wonderfully multifaceted example of that Norwegian tendency towards strange musical experiments; on their new album, Red In Tooth And Claw, the progressive metallers explore all manner of heavy sounds, and lighter ones, and epic ones, and electronic ones–they’re impossible to categorize or cut down into easily digestible genre tags. You just need to listen–and we recommend doing so below, where we’re streaming the album in its entirety.”

Elaborates MADDER MORTEM vocalist Agnete M. Kirkevaag of the release, “We’ve been away for seven years. It’s been a long wait, both for you and us, but we’re back, and back with a vengeance. Like always before, we’ve made an album that represents absolutely nothing except exactly the music we want to make. We want to make music that is different. We want to make music that assumes that the listener is too smart to accept stale, second-hand ideas hidden in non-threatening commercialist packaging and production. We want to make music that demands your attention, that you must invest in to understand, but that will keep giving you something fresh on the tenth and the hundredth listen. We want to make music that is true and real and living, that freaks you out or thrills you, that you love or hate, but that will never leave you indifferent. That’s what Red In Tooth And Claw is about to us, and what we hope it will be about to you as well. Pay your dues to howl with the underdogs!”

Get howling with Red In Tooth And Claw, streaming in its entirety courtesy of Noisey at THIS LOCATION.

And if you missed it, view the band’s official video for “Fallow Season” at THIS LOCATION.

Red In Tooth And Claw will be released on October 28th in CD and digital formats via Dark Essence Records, with the vinyl edition hitting streets on December 6th. For physical preorders go HERE. For digital purchases, go HERE.

MADDER MORTEM‘s Red In Tooth And Claw was captured by guitarist BP M. Kirkevaag, mastered by Peter In de Betou and comes shrouded in the artwork of Christian Ruud (Tristania, Frantic Bleep).

Formed in 1993, and having started out with a more doom-oriented sound, MADDER MORTEM became one of the earliest bands from the contemporary Norwegian metal scene to break away from set genre boundaries. With each release, MADDER MORTEM continued to develop, seamlessly transitioning into an experimental progressive metal band with a unique sense of groove and contrasting arrangements.

With a lineup comprised of Agnete M. Kirkevaag on vocals, BP. M. Kirkevaag on guitar and vocals, Richard Wikstrand on guitars, Tormod L. Moseng on bass, and Mads Solås on drums, and with seven years between the release of the band’s last album Eight Ways and this year’s Red In Tooth And Claw, the band still maintains the trademark MADDER MORTEM sound. Still so heavily defined by Kirkevaag’s massive vocals that range from tender whispers to violent screams, Red In Tooth And Claw retains all of the band’s quirkiness, and gives it a catchy boost, with songs shifting between doomy melodies and hard-hitting riffs.
