GRIDFAILURE: “Cut The Hard Line” Streaming Via Factory Worker Media; Scathed Out Next Week Through Darker Days Ahead

GRIDFAILURE Scathed face 2

New York solo outfit GRIDFAILURE will issue the demoralizing Scathed album next week through DIY dark ambient/noise label Darker Days Ahead. Experimental music/arts/photography platform Factory Worker Media is streaming the grinding “Cut The Hard Line,” one of the more abstract/ambient noise-based tracks from Scathed.

The extensive Factory Worker Media write-up includes, “the auditory miasma is like the sound of a man-made satellite continuing its orbit around a postapocalyptic earth, transmitting disembodied missives into the ether on ghost-inhabited frequencies…. this is not your wierdo dad’s dark ambient music, but something darker and vaguely prescient in its rendering of manufactured electronic and amplified sounds as a dense field of spirits trapped between the material world and whatever realms may exist beyond our limited senses in the aftermath of anthropocene extinction.”

“Cut The Hard Line” and enter GRIDFAILURE’s underworld at Factory Worker Media RIGHT HERE.

Also stream Scathed’s “Condescender” with an interrogation of GRIDFAILURE at Aversionline HERE and hear “Gaze Of Aversion” HERE.

Scathed will see free digital download and handmade CDR through Minneapolis-based Darker Days Ahead on June 2nd; find physical preorders at THIS LOCATION.

GRIDFAILURE‘s unpredictable powerdementia hits hard on Scathed, the album’s paranoia-inducing atmospheres surrounding punishing vocal torrents which writhe forth from the rubble of a collapsed landscape, buried in layers of eroded guitars, bass, aneurythmic beats, lunatic keys/synth, theremin, didgeridoo, xylophone, harmonica, and more. With fifty-three minutes of material performed and recorded solely by Brenner, whose photos/layout complete the record, Scathed is laced with enough stability to keep you engaged while delivering an oppressive sense of dread and impending retribution from a parallel universe. Struggle for survival.

GRIDFAILURE - Scathed web