GAMMA RAY Track Hosted By Noisecreep

Today AOL Music portal Noisecreep is hosting a stream of the powerful GAMMA RAY anthem, “Brothers,” along with an interview with band frontman Kai Hansen. Check it out HERE!

While not a new track from the band, “Brothers” is the second track from the band’s upcoming release, Skeletons & Majesties, a collection of older and rare GAMMA RAY songs being re-released as part of this special fan-based promotion for the band, including a full-on karaoke contest where fans can enter to actually appear on the next GAMMA RAY album! Check out the details for the contest and more at this location.

Skeletons & Majesties is set for release in North America via Armoury Records/Eagle Rock on May 31. Review copies of the record are available now, and more interviews with GAMMA RAY will be announced in the coming days.

Stay tuned for much more updates on GAMMA RAY over the coming months as the band prepare for their upcoming Summer tour where they’ll be filming in HD for a brand new live DVD/CD to be released later in the year.