The eponymous debut EP by GEMATRIA, a new duo formed by Ray Suhy (Six Feet Under, Cannabis Corpse, ex-East Of The Wall) and Steve Honoshowsky (Daughter Vision, Billy Martin’s Fang Percussion, No Use For Humans), is out now through Nefarious Industries. A guitar playthrough of the album’s intricate “Quadrivium” has been premiered by Svbterranean alongside a track-by-track dissection of the EP.
Composed by using elements of gematria – a Qabbalistic numerological system of relating words to numbers, and the writings of Aleister Crowley to help generate rhythmic and melodic ideas – Gematria delivers a hypnotically riveting, intricately crafted, wholly singular progressive sound. GEMATRIA employs the mystical numerical system in the creation of new compositional structures, rhythms, and melodies.
Svbterranean dubs the band’s output as, “hallucinogenic prog rock,” noting, “This very ambitious and esoteric approach to writing is reflecting in the band’s bizarre sound, as one can imagine.”
See GEMATRIA’s “Quadrivium” playthrough video and read the EP’s dissection at Svbterranean RIGHT HERE.
Gematria is available from Nefarious Industries on all digital platforms and limited CD via the label webshop HERE and Bandcamp HERE. Also see the previously-released “Star Death” video RIGHT HERE.
The songs on Gematria were initially conceived by Steve Honoshowsky in his home studio using synths and electric percussion as well as heavily effected electric bass and guitars. Ray Suhy then wrote melodies and textures over these tracks utilizing a chromatic, jazz-like approach to his parts while utilizing spitting, fuzzy guitar tones. The duo then entered Retromedia Studios in Red Bank, New Jersey to record guitars and mix and master the EP with Adam Vacarrelli, and Michael DelGrasso supplies a guest guitar solo to the track “Hyades.”