NEKROMANT: Swedish Heavy Metal Power Trio Releases “Behind The Veil Of Eyes” Video; Temple Of Haal Full-Length To See Release This December Via Despotz Records

Photo by Robert Hellstorm

Swedish heavy metal power trio NEKROMANT has released a haunting new video for “Behind The Veil Of Eyes.” The track comes off the band’s thundering Temple Of Haal full-length set for release this December via their new label home of Despotz Records.

Hailing from the city of Vänersborg and formerly known as Serpent, NEKROMANT is renowned for delivering an authentic and effortlessly brilliant oldschool metal assault. Standing on the shoulders of metal giants such as Black Sabbath and Pentagram, the band is well versed in the art of crushing riffs and powerful melodies, boasting a sound that echoes the might of the past with an eye cast toward the future. From a punishing percussive battery through to the Iommi-esque guitars, NEKROMANT understands that the riff is king, as demonstrated throughout their superb new long player.

Comments the band of their epic “Behind The Veil Of Eyes,” “This song is cold as ice but at the same time warming. The lyrics convey a notion of hopelessness but acceptance before an impending doom. Adam delivers the vocals in the verses with great merit. In short, a joyful little tune about darkness and death.”

View NEKROMANT’s “Behind The Veil Of Eyes” video, shot by Johan Lundsten, at THIS LOCATION.

Stream the band’s previously released single, “The Woods,” at THIS LOCATION.

NEKROMANT’s Temple Of Haal will be released on CD, LP, and digitally December 3rd. Find physical preorders at THIS LOCATION and digital orders HERE.

Temple Of Haal embraces a typical Swedish darkness in a desire to reject the notion of living life through social media and seeks to reconnect with the things that really matter. Recorded by Staffan Karlsson at Sweetspot Studio in Harplinge, Sweden, the new album is an unashamedly old school heavy metal record, blessed with crushing riffs and inescapable hooks. With Temple Of Haal, NEKROMANT brings a new level of Swedish bleakness to the world.