DECREPISY: Decibel Magazine Premieres “Corpseless” From Portland Death Metal Outfit Featuring Current/Former Members Of Acephalix, Ascended Dead, Vastum, And More; Deific Mourning To See Release March 28th On Carbonized Records


“Corpseless” is the latest single from Portland, Oregon death metal group, DECREPISY. Now playing at Decibel Magazine, the track comes off the band’s Deific Mourning full-length, set for release on March 28th on Carbonized Records.

Deific Mourning is an album written and occupied in a state of horror and uncertainty, every riff agonizingly culled from terror, despair, and disintegration of a dying form. A body desecrated by vaccine damage, an inflamed nervous system, and dysautonomia, pumping fear into every waking moment… Unable to play music for years, unsure if he would live to finish writing and recording, Kyle House (Acephalix, Negative Prayer) brought in longtime friend and bandmate Daniel Butler (Vastum, Acephalix) to write lyrics and execute death grunts.

Heavier on the doom side of death than their Emetic Communion debut, DECREPISY’s Deific Mourning pulls from goth-industrial influences that seep through the infected wounds that comprise the decomposing body of the album. Each track is a stage of grief and unbelief as life abandons form into the mystery of the unknown.

Offers the band on “Corpseless,” “This is it – your final moment. Life ends, and your body is about to fail, your skin falling away from both psyche and soma, and you wonder: ‘what kind of life did I live?’ Pretty soon the question is irrelevant because you’re blinded by a light, or a mysterium, that renders your life insignificant, and you realize that only this light, this mysterium, is what matters.

Adds Decibel, “DECREPISY is here to remind you of your mortality, and there is no escape. On the band’s new song, ‘Corpseless,’ the listener is purged into the abyss of growling guitars, damning growls, and unforgiving drum-work, as the Portland-based quartet weaves its tale of terror.”

Stream DECREPISY’s “Corpseless” at Decibel Magazine HERE.

Drums and solos on Deific Mourning were recorded by Charles Koryn at Elektric City Recording. Vocal tracking, reamping, mixing, and mastering was handled by Greg Wilkinson at Earhammer Studio. The record features cover illustrations by Kyle House plus “Apocatastasis” sculpture by Emil Melmoth.

DECREPISY’s Deific Mourning will be released on CD, LP, cassette, and digital formats. Find preorders at the Carbonized webshop HERE or Bandcamp HERE where the band’s previously released single, “Severed Ephemerality,” can be streamed.

3/22/2025 High Water Mark – Portland, OR
3/27/2025 Real Art Tacoma – Tacoma, WA
3/28/2025 Disemboweled God Fest @ Central Saloon – Seattle, WA

Forged in 2020, DECREPISY rips forth with a style of regressive, gut-churning death metal only the likes of Kyle House (Vastum, Acephalix) could manifest. DECREPISY dispels a sound that is at once savage and unique. Disgorged from unimaginable trauma of pain and loss, DECREPISY’s heavy, brick-walled sound of death captures the burdened grief of stillborn souls straight from ancient ossuaries and fetid human tombs.

Decibel Magazine crowned the band’s Emetic Communion debut, “one of the heaviest slabs of old ways-influenced death metal to be dragged up from the bowels of the earth.” Angry Metal Guy concurred, calling the record, “a noxious, toxic superfund site with feet firmly planted in the cesspool, intended to appeal to that niche demographic who hunt Tomb Mold like truffles,” adding, “There are some brilliant moments here and a lot of potential in what they’re doing. I certainly enjoyed my time with the album, warts, boils, and all. This may not be a long album, but it sure is thick and filthy.” Added Wonderbox Metal, “DECREPISY knows how to write… cavernous underground death metal and the compositions that Emetic Communion consists of make for satisfyingly horrific songs… This is a monstrous album.”

D.G. Butler – vocals
Kyle House – guitar, 12-string guitar, bass
Jonny FOD Quintana – lead guitar, solos
Charles Koryn – drums
Gabriel Lageson – synth, noisescapes
Leila Abdul-Rauf – synth, vocals