Living up to the blue collar work ethic of their city, industrious Pittsburgh traditional metal mavericks, ICARUS WITCH have just recorded and released their tribute to the hometown heroes and Stanley Cup Champions, The Pittsburgh Penguins. The band cut a slightly more metallized version of “The Boys Of Winter” AKA, the song that they play in the arena to get the fans frenzied before the Pens skate onto the ice at the beginning of game.
When asked what prompted this unpredictable inclusion into the ICARUS WITCH cannon, a representative from the band stated “We’re pretty passionate about our teams in this city, especially the Pens. We were thinking of using their theme song as intro music for an upcoming show but were surprised to find it’s quite difficult to track down as a download. So we just said, ‘Why not record our own version?’ Fortunately our producer, Eric Klinger had a space in his recording schedule and the whole project went from concept to arrangement to production in the span of 2 days. Now, less than a week later thanks to Cleopatra Records, our tribute is available for download on iTunes, Amazon and similar sites! We kept it faithful enough to the original so any non-metal Penguins fans will enjoy it, but just heavy enough so any non-penguin fan metal heads will also dig it as a mini-epic instrumental.”
To preview and download the the song on iTunes, click:
To preview and download the song on Amazon click: