As Atlanta’s murderous grind/powerviolence trio DEAD IN THE DIRT prepares to release their debut LP, the aptly grim title The Blind Hole, today a new track from the album has been released via an exclusive premiere at Pitchfork. While the vast majority of the band’s tracks released to date via previous EPs and on the bulk of The Blind Hole range from a blazing thirty seconds or less to just over a minute in duration, “The Pit Of Me” drags out the band’s succinctly pulverizing attack to its most epic length yet, the track clocking in with over two minutes of extreme auditory anguish.
Be fully consumed in the bleak “The Pit Of Me” at Pitchfork AT THIS LOCATION.
Recently, Lambgoat released the album’s second track “The Blaring Eye” HERE.
DEAD IN THE DIRT has confirmed their next wave of touring as their debut LP nears release, with a trek through the southern and western regions of America to consume the first three weeks of August, to be followed by a full-on European tour to be announced shortly.
Locked for release on August 6th through Southern Lord, The Blind Hole surges with twenty-two unfuckwithable tracks in under twenty-four minutes, bearing the most destructive DEAD IN THE DIRT material yet. Though backed with crushing distortion, the album boasts incredibly clear production values, recorded at Bricktop Recording Studio with Andy Nelson (Weekend Nachos) in Chicago this April, and mastered by Brad Boatright (Nails, All Pigs Must Die, Baptists, Sleep). As witnessed on the trio’s previous works, 2010’s Vold EP and 2011’s Fear 7″, as well through their vicious on-stage presence, DEAD IN THE DIRT crushes everything in their path with a vehement and volatile crust/hardcore attack. Inspired by the scriptures of His Hero Is Gone, Left For Dead, Infest and DropDead, the faction creates some of the most morose and tonally oppressive music conceivable, all fueled with enraged socio-political lyrical content and straightedge/Vegan ethics. Preorders for The Blind Hole can be placed now via Southern Lord.
8/01/2013 Crosstown Arts – Memphis, TN
8/02/2013 Bad Grannies – Oklahoma City, OK
8/03/2013 The Gas Works – Albuquerque, NM
8/04/2013 Cottage House – Flagstaff, AZ
8/05/2013 TBA – Las Vegas, NV
8/06/2013 Munoz Gym – Bakersfield, CA
8/07/2013 TBA – Sacramento, CA
8/09/2013 Filipino Community Center – San Jose, CA
8/10/2013 Echoplex – Los Angeles, CA
8/11/2013 Che Cafe – San Diego, CA
8/12/2013 Bridgetown, La Puente, CA
8/13/2013 The Shitty Pot – Phoenix, AZ
8/14/2013 Tiny Town – Tucson, AZ
8/15/2013 TBA – El Paso, TX
8/16/2013 1011 – San Antonio, TX
8/17/2013 Rubber Gloves – Denton, TX
8/18/2013 Rampage Skatepark – Jackson, MS