BROKEN CROSS: Militant Misanthrope Streaming At Revolver Magazine; Album Out This Week

As Sweden’s deadly BROKEN CROSS releases its Militant Misanthrope LP this week, the entire album has been uncaged through an advance stream at Revolver Magazine.

Recorded at Studio Underjord in Norrköping, Sweden (Vanhelgd, Year Of The Goat, Griftegård), and mastered by Joel Grind (Toxic Holocaust), Militant Misanthrope is completed with drawings by Dwid Hellion (Integrity), which are inspired by 1980s/90s anime and werewolf folklore.

Revolver Magazine refers to Militant Misanthrope as, “a punishing, politically-inspired suite sporting a heretofore unseen level of discipline, not to mention serious polish…”

Stream the entire BROKEN CROSS Militant Misanthrope at Revolver RIGHT HERE.

BROKEN CROSS founder and sole member Niklas Holm offers with the Revolver stream, “Growing up I was fascinated by anime, manga, and Japanese culture in general. I would watch Fist Of The North Star over and over again, which in many ways was a more extreme, animated version of Mad Max. I was also a member of the first manga club in Sweden, something that the inner nerd in me is very proud of still to this day. Roughly at the same time, my fascination with extreme metal and punk began. Although they complement each other well, I always saw music and comics as separate interests. Fast forward a quarter of a century, or so. I think we can all agree the world has changed in a dramatic way, while human behavior stays the same. Hence the title of my new album, Militant Misanthrope. Although it comes from a dark place, I tried to write an album that would appeal to the kid in me. The apocalypse can be fun, too.”

An ongoing contest in which fans can win a test pressing of the LP ends tomorrow; enter HERE.

Militant Misanthrope will see release this Friday, February 2nd, on LP through the band’s own Apocalyptic Visions label, on cassette via Judas Chair Collective, and on CD through Psychic Rebellion. Stream the track “C.O.T.E.” and find digital preorders HERE and find preorders for the LP HERE.

Following the release of Militant Misanthrope, BROKEN CROSS will perform its first live show ever at the Judas Chair Collective Festival 2018 in Helsinki, Finland March 16th through 18th, joining the likes of Circling The Drain, Remissions, Hail Conjurer, Sick World, Slave Hands, Dredged, Long Gone, Usko, Corroder, and more.

3/16-18/2018 Oranssi Ry – Helsinki, FI @ Judas Chair Collective Festival [info]

The creation of one Niklas Holm, also of death metal outfit Extermination Temple, BROKEN CROSS has issued a wealth of singles and EPs since 2011, but it was the 2015-released Through Light To Night debut LP which heavily infiltrated the masses, drawing massive inspiration from the likes of G.I.S.M., Integrity, and other dark hardcore and punk influences. Following the path of the material found on the outfit’s recently-issued split 7″ with V.E.G.A.S., BROKEN CROSS delivers its most searing material yet with Militant Misanthrope. The sound tone and quality of Militant Misanthrope yields a heavily enriched sound, with elements of thrash metal tradition seeping its way into the boldly-produced album’s nine new anthems.