ENBILULUGUGAL: Crucial Blast To Deploy Noizemongers For Goatserpent

On October 29th, Crucial Blast will unload arguably the most demolishing, cyclone of hyperblast blacknoise musical scum with the seventy-nine song, 2xCD Noizemongers For Goatserpent, by experimentalist ENBILULUGUGAL.

ENBILULUGUGAL‘s debut album Noizemongers For Goatserpent was a putrid eruption of low-fi black metal, harsh noise and experimental, anti-musical weirdness that arrived with a splat on the black/noise underground in 2004, infused with a Black Legions-style mix of weird invented mythology and garbled language. The album first appeared as a super-limited CDR released by the now-defunct Rusty Axe label, a home for some of the most demented experimental black metal of the past decade, and has been out of print in the physical realm for nearly a decade. It’s been one of Crucial Blast’s favorite releases from the band, a vicious, hideous mass of churning blackened hatred and brain-warping chaos that has now been resurrected as a deluxe double disc set that features more than an hour and a half of bonus filth, all re-mastered for maximum ear-hate by Enemata Productions, and presented in a new digipack design with artwork from acclaimed underground illustrator Jeff Zornow.

The first disc features the original Noizemongers for GoatSerpent album, a twenty-nine “song” assault of hyper- distorted blasphemy blasted out in minute-long eruptions of noise and violence. Barbaric black metal riffs and monotonous, primitive blastbeats are bathed in corrosive static, while bursts of stomping, catchy punk rock, insane cut-up experiments and harsh electronic noise all surface within ENBILULUGUGAL‘s bubbling bouillabaisse of blackened filth; a brain-damaged meeting between the primitive savagery of Von, early Beherit and Ildjarn, and the extreme psychedelic electronics of Japanese noise groups like Masonna and Incapacitants that reaches some sublime moments of ear-shredding evil and infectious necro-chaos. The other half of the first disc has Izedis’s TnepreStaoG Rof SregnomezioN “remixes”, which uses the original “Goatserpent” album as the raw material for an onslaught of extreme electronic noise. The source material is rendered nearly unrecognizable, twisted and transformed by Izedis into washes of ghostly electronic synthdrift and harsh distorted noisescapes, sometimes taking on the appearance of demonic shortwave transmissions coming from outside our Universe, crushing cosmic synth meltdowns, or even more distorted and deformed blasts of glitch-riddled, chopped up black noise.

The second disc in the set is loaded with rare compilation tracks, demo material and other out-of-print demo and EP recordings from ENBILULUGUGAL. These tracks offer up a howling vision of low-fi blackgrind awash in Merzbowian distortion, fucked-up necro-noisecore, foul shambling dirges, passages of ghastly dungeon ambience, and some KILLER blasts of discordant blackened punk that features a slightly more “musical” side of ENBILULUGUGAL‘s snarling chaos.

Although these recordings are shot through with moments of dark distorted majesty and crushing black metal riffage, ENBILULUGUGAL‘s “music” is about as extreme and as noisy as it gets within the realm of black metal, with a low-fi aesthetic and tendency towards total sonic overload that’ll test the most ardent necro-addicts. Fans of the damaged black/noise/metal and outsider black metal of bands like Furze, Lord Foul, Ride For Revenge, Wold, Demonologists and Wrnlrd will find much to enjoy here. All others, beware…

Noizemongers For Goatserpent Track Listing:

01 Intro
02 Noizemongers for GoatSerpent
03 Return to Hellrokken GoatSex
04 NunSucking Necrophiles
05 Mashshanebbu
06 Goatoplasm
07 Devil Diarrhea
08 Gorging HellSpam
09 Fullmoon Gutspill
10 Satanic BloodStains
11 Raped by Mammoth
12 Bachachadugga
13 Apirikubabadazuzukanpa
14 Fukkin’ Aggha
15 Nariluggaldimmerankia
16 NecroKvntPuke
17 Cut the GoatNekk
18 Vomitfvkker
19 Shred Vaginal Flesh
20 Koldgrimm HellMasturbator
21 The Dark Lake
22 Samoanguanoeaters
23 Dirgirgiri
24 In Hell I Will Burn
25 NekroShit
26 Thirteen Moons
27 Asarualimnunna
28 GoatSerpent PissFvkk
29 Outro
30 ortuO
31 kkvFssiP tnepreStaoG
32 annunmilaurasA
33 snooM neetrihT
34 tihSorkeN
35 nruB lliW I lleH nI
36 irigrigriD
37 sretaeonaugnaomaS
38 ekaL kraD ehT
39 rotabrutsaMlleH mmirgdloK
40 hselF lanigaV derhS
41 rekkvftimoV
42 kkeNtaoG eht tuC
43 ekuPtnvKorceN
44 aiknaremmidlagguliraN
45 ahggA ‘nikkuF
46 apnakuzuzadababukiripA
47 aggudahcahcaB
48 htommaM yb depaR
49 sniatSdoolB cinataS
50 llipstuG noomlluF
51 mapSlleH gnigroG
52 aehrraiD liveD
53 msalpotaoG
54 ubbenahshsaM
55 selihporceN gnikcuSnuN
56 xeStaoG nekkorlleH ot nruteR
57 tnepreStaoG rof sregnomezioN
58 ortnI

01 GoatStorm Blitzkrieg
02 Tribal GoatSakkrifice
03 Reeking of Diseased GoatBile
04 RetardedGoat
05 Lamb
06 Charred Goat Remains
07 Bloodbath in Darkness
08 The Cause of It All
09 Lost in Armageddon Winds
10 A Skyline In Flames
11 The End All and Be All
12 His Ascent from Hell
13 SerpentGoat King
14 Beneath the Dark Lake
15 Ruler of the Gnarled Woods
16 The Doom Within the Black Mist
17 His Descent into Armageddon
18 Enslaving Armageddon
19 Consumed by Flames
20 The Death of You All
21 His Descent into the Depths
