FORESEEN HKI Deploys “Market Target” Via Noisey; Volatile Debut Album Drives Label To Advance North American Street Date; European Savagery 2014 Underway

Following initial reports of when 20 Buck Spin will be releasing FORESEEN HKI‘s Helsinki Savagery in late in November, the album was just too unstable and uncontainable to keep under wraps that long, forcing the label to push the street date forward two weeks. Now that the Finnish crossover killers’ unfuckwithable debut LP is set to detonate stateside in just three weeks, Vice Magazine’s Noisey blog has initiated the next wave of bloodshed from the album, unloading the destructive “Market Target” alongside an interrogation of the outfit, calling the album, “a required purchase if you ever owned a denim jean vest, or at least a copy of either Vio-lence’s Eternal Nightmare or Nuclear Assault’s Game Over.”

Get an inside look at the FORESEEN HKI bandits as they detonate their “Market Target” with Noisey’s aid at THIS LOCATION.

A previous communiqué about the band’s lethality was also released with “Death Injection” via Cvlt Nation CLICK HERE.

Helsinki Savagery is locked for impact via 20 Buck Spin on CD and digital formats in North America on November 11th, while the European street date remains at November 24th. A vinyl edition is under construction for launch February 3rd in a cooperative strike with Take It Back Records in Europe. Stand by for ordering instructions and additional intel from the 20 Buck Spin warmongers.

FORESEEN HKI begins their European Savagery 2014 tour of duty tonight in Stockholm, with two weeks of live annihilation in support of their new album to follow. New tour dates will follow shortly, as the band plans on overthrowing additional venues across Europe in the coming months as well as embarking on their first mission to the US in 2015.

FORESEEN HKI European Savagery 2014:
10/17/2014 Nockebysalen – Stockholm, SE
10/18/2014 Kulturhuset – Norrköping, SE
10/19/2014 Nordengården – Göteborg, SE
10/20/2014 Underwerket – Copenhagen, DK
10/21/2014 Rote Flora – Hamburg, DE
10/22/2014 Antwerpen Music City – Antwerpen, BE
10/23/2014 Fiddler’s Elbow – London, UK
10/24/2014 The Meatlocker – Leeds, UK
10/25/2014 Platform 5 – Ashford, UK
10/26/2014 Kessel – Offenburg, DE
10/27/2014 Ebrietas – Zürich, CH
10/28/2014 JUZ Mannheim – Mannheim, DE
10/30/2014 Cortina Bob – Berlin, DE
10/31/2014 TBA – Malmö, SE
11/01/2014 Blitz – Oslo, NO

On their debut full-length attack, FORESEEN HKI‘s raw crossover showing a distinctly Finnish rawness and hostility, that’s been a hallmark of the countries incredible hardcore punk bands since the early ’80s, pervades the LP. Bringing back a concrete toughness to thrash that’s largely been missing for years, on Helsinki Savagery, FORESEEN HKI takes their place among the elite of modern crossover bands, infusing a lethal urgency and unrestrained devotion to crafting ideal songs for wild, anarchic live shows, documenting a band in its hungry, formative prime. The album was recorded in full analog and mixed at Black Floyd’s Analog Lab by Tapio Lepistö, the CD and digital mastering handled by James Plotkin and the full analog chain LP mastering by Timmion Records, with old-school cover art by Eetu Blomqvist & Chad Keith.