In the wake of their recently released, acclaimed, debut LP, States Of Chaos, Hyderabad, India-based death metal crew GODLESS has issued a new drum playthrough video for the album’s “Fluxion.”
States Of Chaos shows GODLESS unleashing eight intense and unfaltering tracks of their thrash-laced death metal which pummel the listener into submission, while thematically exploring psychological trepidation and terror, phantasmagorias, and nightmare-inducing dreamscapes. The result is a uniquely vicious-sounding record that takes no prisoners, delivered by one of India’s most promising young metal acts.
Engineered by GODLESS’ Abbas Razvi, the drums on States Of Chaos were recorded at Wind Horse Recording Studios, the guitars and bass recorded at Infinity Studios, and the vocals recorded at Hydrozoa HQ. The completed tracks were sent to Poland’s Hertz Studio (Vader, Behemoth, Decapitated) who handled mixing and mastering, and the album was completed with artwork and design by New Salem and photography by David Dawson.
States Of Chaos was surrounded by vast critical acclaim from fans and media alike, including hitting #2 on the Bandcamp best-sellers list for death metal and #1 on the thrash list as an independent release.
GODLESS’ new drum playthrough presents one of the album’s primary singles, “Fluxion,” in an altered instrumental delivery, focusing on the pummeling percussive execution by drummer Vishesh Singh.
Tune in and watch GODLESS’ “Fluxion” instrumental drum playthrough now at THIS LOCATION.
Released independently in November, States Of Chaos is out now on CD, LP, and digital platforms through GODLESS where the album is streaming alongside several prior videos and more HERE.
Following the release of States Of Chaos, GODLESS embarked on a run of tour dates across India, performing six shows in major cities around the country, along the way hosting a release party for their signature Netherworld Belgian dark strong ale, crafted by Aurum Brew Works in Bangalore, and more. The band now prepares to assault Bangalore again, confirmed to perform at the Metal Massacre Festival on the 15th of January. Watch for additional tour dates and activities to be posted over the weeks ahead.
1/14-16/2022 Fandom At Gilly’s Redefined – Bangalore, IN @ Metal Massacre Festival [info]
“Indian death metal quartet GODLESS are determined to climb the ladder of the metal scene in their country, reaching this goal through sheer determination and refinement of their thrashy death metal sound…” – Decibel Magazine
“States Of Chaos is eight tracks of death metal fury that sneaks in some thrash sensibilities along the way. GODLESS are a fucking force on this debut LP.” – Metal Injection
“GODLESS favor tempos that allow them to operate at warp speed. If a lot of today’s death metal seems to be cross-pollinated by doom, States of Chaos sounds more like the mid-’80s death metal that was slowly shaping itself into a proper genre rather than an extra-fast, extra-fucked-up permutation of thrash.” – Bandcamp Daily
“This five-piece play modern death metal with plenty of thrash and excellent production for a band that doesn’t have a major label footing their bill, and States Of Chaos sets out to and succeeds at crushing skulls in a 1987 meets 2021 kind of way. Think of Demolition Hammer meeting the fury of Dying Fetus: the death thrash of old is strong with this band as well as some modern brutal death metal sections with everything heavy from that middle ground thrown in for good measure.” – Invisible Oranges
“…GODLESS are ready to take over the world. This album is fresh and ferocious; while it does harken a beloved time for death metal, if GODLESS has their say, the golden age of death metal is now. 4.5/5” – Metal Epidemic