Following the recent filthifying release of Norwegian black/punk deviants’ HAUST‘s third full-length NO via Fysisk Format, this week the label is sponsoring a stateside giveaway with a solid pile of putrid product.
Fans from the United States can swing by American Aftermath from now through July 31st and answer one simple trivia question for a chance to win one of several copies of ÂNO, either on LP or cassette. And while you’re there you can get hammered to a HAUST sampler, with five tracks from NO streaming for your discomfort including “Raw Material,” “Swells,” “No,” “Death Drive” and the romantic “Into The Night.”
The mangled, blackened punk noise of HAUST derives from their frigid and fucked-up times as part of the locally infamous Black Hole Crew alongside Okkultokrati, Dark Times, Blackest Woods and others. HAUST has tormented all in earshot with multiple EP’s, two previous LPs, splits with Okkultokrati and Next Life and more since their formation early in the twenty-first century. Their most raw and primitive release to date, in the nine short tracks of NO the listener is pulled back into a time where rock and punk were synonymous with rawness and vulnerability; a worship of total humiliation, of the pleasure in realizing one’s own limitations. Like all outsider music, HAUST celebrates those who walk their own paths; who run away from Sunday School to go berserk in the woods. NO was mastered by Dave Eck at Lucky Lacquers and features artwork by Esben Titland.
“…this album just told me to fuck off… the toad with intestinal cramps screeching himself catatonic will for sure turn off plenty of folks. However, if you enjoy music that sounds like complete shit (in a good way, of course), Haust’s NO might be one of Norway’s best.” – MXDWN
“…you get possessed by the beefy riffs… They hit hard and are accented by a melodic passage as the song is a collision of traditional punk, hardcore and driving rock.” – Nocturnal Cult
“Blending metal, hardcore aggression and punk attitude, No is built on raw power. Grungy (both in appearance and genre reference) and overdriven, Haust are deceivingly catchy in an out-of-left-field way. Black metal via demented leprechaun vocals further roughen up the edges. Hard-driving and high energy, No sounds more like yes.” –
“The combination of raw punk aggression with mellower rock grooves and some experimental moments works well, and the maniacal vocals help to put things over the top.” – Cosmos Gaming