WATAIN frontman Erik Danielsson will be available for phone interviews on:
Wednesday – May 12, 2010 | Thursday – May 13, 2010 | Friday – May 14, 2010
From: 10:00am – 2:00pm EST each day
The interviews are in support of the band’s long-anticipated fourth full-length, Lawless Darkness, to be released on June 7, 2010 via Season Of Mist.
Recorded again at Necromorbus Studio (Deathspell Omega, Funeral Mist, Ondskapt, Nominon, Unanimated et al) in Alvik, Sweden, the record release follows the band’s performance at this year’s Maryland Deathfest which runs for three days from May 28 – 30 at Club Sonar in Baltimore, Maryland. WATAIN will perform on May 28th alongside Gorguts, Possessed, D.R.I. and countless others [http://www.supremebrutality.com].
For interviews, interested parties should reply with TWO (2) possible time slots and a contact number as usual…
:::Team Earsplit:::