Supporting its fresh release upon the population, Heavy Planet is now hosting a stream of the self-titled debut EP from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania-based psychedelic rock trio, KING DEAD.
Recorded live at The Living Room in Stroudsburg by Dave Reiser of Rock Hard Studios, King Dead is a thirty-three-minute-long, hazy-eyed, sans-vocals conglomeration of mid-paced, misfit rock genres. A Spaghetti Western soundtrack or Earth’s Hex: Or Printing In The Infernal Method LP on a half-speed surf rock bender, yet born in a place near no ocean. The organic melody of Pelican or Mogwai’s expansive ebbs crash onto shores built of Ennio Morricone scores. Blowing tumbleweeds leave resin trails in the dusty expanses while constellations above weave King Crimson scales. While comparisons and influences from other bands are readily available, part of KING DEAD‘s characteristic sound is the lack of a guitarist or vocalist within the trio; the act opting for the instrumental dual-bassist approach. Kevin Vanderhoof opts for a four-string axe and solid state rig, forming the spine of the songs, his counterpart, Will McGrath, channels a more chord-based and reverb-driven style and tone via a six-string bass and vintage Sears Silvertone head, adding a more cosmic, guitar-sounding delivery. The percussive rhythms courtesy of Steve Truglio keep the deliberately-paced expanses and builds in primal check.
With King Dead now available for human consumption, cult stoner/doom portal, Heavy Planet, is now hosting a stream of the EP noting, “this effort is staggering in its ability to craft a desolate and dreary landscape using drums and bass. KING DEAD brew dark swirls of hollow escape, taking listeners to a place unique in its marriage of despair and beauty. But nothing written here can quite explain the bounce, the haunt, the movements… ”
Check out the full EP streaming at Heavy Planet and hear for yourself at THIS LOCATION.
King Dead is now available via digital download (for a fuckin dollar!) or slimline CD HERE.
With new live ventures being booked for the coming months and new recordings already underway, more new on KING DEAD‘s future actions will be made available shortly.
5/10/2014 Guido’s Speakeasy – Baltimore, MD w/ Old Indian, Black Blizzard, Neighbors [info]
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“The trio’s sound is similarly nebulous, hovering between psychedelic post-rock, heavier amplified push and Morricone-via-Earth soundscaping, and as their first five songs showcase, they come equipped with a formidable scope.” – The Obelisk
“It drags like a heavy cart full of plague victims, but you can easily see the sense of that ‘spaghetti western’ reference in the bleak, reverberating bass melody – Sergio Leone mutated into doom metal, with poltergeist cowboys.” – No Clean Signing
“If there is ever a need for modern soundtrack for the classic film The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, KING DEAD should get a consideration… an infectious blend of dusty six shootin’ aural sludge that pulls elements from doom, metal and rock.” – Echoes And Dust