KROMOSOM: Southern Lord Debut Streaming At Invisible Oranges; Band Locks Down New US Tour

Born in the smoldering wake of defunct crust acts Schifosi and Pisschrist, and featuring current members of Leprosy, Bloody Hammer, Fuil Na Seanchoille and Nuclear Death Terror, Melbourne-based KROMOSOM have hooked up with Southern Lord for their first CD release, Live Forever, set for North American release this Tuesday, January 22nd.

The fifteen-track assault captures all of KROMOSOM‘s material previously only available on vinyl, with fifteen boasting fifteen entirely unhinged, filthy tracks, barely touching the twenty-three minute realm, all mastered for maximum pandemonium by Jack Control (World Burns to Death, Severed Head of State). If this doesn’t get you raging it’s time to hang up your boots and join the rest of the sheep.

Invisible Oranges is now streaming Live Forever in its raging entirety; do it!

While final venue info is still pending, KROMOSOM will invade the US again this Spring. Ripping loose in Brooklyn on May 17th the quartet will pummel South alongside Nomad, stopping off to blast out a set at Maryland Deathfest XI, on their way to tear it up at this year’s Chaos in Tejas at the end of the month. Following that venture they’ll hit the West Coast running from Los Angeles up to Portland from June 3rd through 8th with support from Frenzy. Stay tuned as specific venues are confirmed.