Crypt Of The Devil is the impending new full-length from long-running death metal miscreants, SIX FEET UNDER. Composed by legendary vocalist Chris Barnes and Cannabis Corpse bassist/vocalist Phil “Landphil” Hall, the band’s eleventh studio recording boasts ten murderous slabs of audio repugnance. A continuation from SIX FEET UNDER‘s previous works of deviousness, wherein Barnes pens lyrics from the darkest point of the human condition, Crypt Of The Devil is punishing in both sound and concept.
As a precursor to its official unveiling via Metal Blade Records next month, today Decibel Magazine premieres seventh sadistic crusher, “Stab,” now slicing its way through the airwaves at THIS LOCATION.
Crypt Of The Devil was captured at Hall’s studio in Virginia. Hall tracked rhythm and bass guitar, while his brother, Josh Hall, tracked drums, and guitarist Brandon Ellis tracked the majority of the album’s leads. Barnes took to London Bridge Studio (Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains etc.) in his new base of operations in Seattle, Washington to record vocals and in fact holed himself up in the very same booth where Layne Staley tracked his words. Mixing was completed by Rob Caldwell (Cannabis Corpse, Iron Reagan etc.) in Sarasota, Florida and mastering was handled by Alan Douches (Cannibal Corpse, Revocation, Torche, Skeletonwitch etc.) at West West Side in New Windsor, New York. Crypt Of The Devil stands as a truly collaborative and cross-country effort from a selection of today’s finest metal minds, and the result is a refreshing yet instinctively brutal SIX FEET UNDER experience.
SIX FEET UNDER is currently terrorizing Europe headlining HateFest Tour 2015 with support from Marduk, Vader and Hate, with North American live invasions to be announced in the coming weeks.
SIX FEET UNDER w/ Marduk, Vader, Hate [remaining dates]:
4/07/2015 Club Vaudeville – Lindau, DE
4/08/2015 Rockfabrik – Ludwigsburg, DE
4/09/2015 Markthalle – Hamburg, DE
4/10/2015 Musichall – Geiselwind, DE w/ Eisregen, Debauchery
4/11/2015 Backstage – München, DE w/ Eisregen, Debauchery
4/12/2015 Postbahnhof – Berlin, DE w/ Eisregen, Debauchery
SIX FEET UNDER began as a side project while Barnes – owner of what would become one of the most dominating, groundbreaking and instantly distinguishable voices of the death metal genre – was fronting Cannibal Corpse. SIX FEET UNDER would eventually become a full-fledged entity in 1995 and now stands among the longest standing and successful acts in death metal history, with all but their debut appearing on a Billboard chart.
Crypt Of The Devil will see release via Metal Blade Records on May 5th, 2015 and includes the outstanding cover art of Mike Hrubovcak (Aurora Borealis, Sinister, Rumpelstiltskin Grinder et al). For preorder bundles and a taste of first single, “Open Coffin Orgy,” visit: