TELOCH VOVIN “Psalms Ov Khaos IV–A Ritual In Transfigured Time” Released For Fall Equinox


“From My Lips the Words ov Maveth Drip Like Honey for the, Insane, Soma for the Wounds ov Life and the Stains ov Creation. The Widdershins Dance ov a Ritual in Transfigured Time.”

On this Fall Equinox, TELOCH VOVIN issues the fourth installment in their ongoing Psalms Of Khaos singles series, “A Ritual In Transfigured Time.”

Psalms Ov Khaos sequence began on the 2015 Winter Solstice, with a new track being subsequently issued on each change of the seasons since. The intent of the series is to shed further Black Light upon the electronic and ambient instrumentation and ritualistic elements of TELOCH VOVIN‘s primal, occult black metal attack. The impending fourth installment of the series, “A Ritual In Transfigured Time” merges ceremonial elements of bells and percussion with a mesmerizing nightmarish atmosphere, while a harrowing vocal oration weaving its way through the transfixing movement.

Experience TELOCH VOVIN’s “Psalms Ov Khaos IV–A Ritual In Transfigured Time” only at THIS LOCATION.

The Psalms Ov Khaos series will continue, with new tracks being issued on the current quarterly seasonal shift schedule throughout the coming months until all eleven individual Psalms are released. This is when TELOCH VOVIN will amass the works onto a physical package, which will include individual pieces of art work for each Psalm for a disorientating dance with divine madness.

Following their performance at Shadow Woods Metal Fest this past weekend, TELOCH VOVIN will complete their live rituals for the year on October 15th at Black Metal Ritual V alongside Kult Ov Azazel, Demonic Christ, Luciferian Rites, Discordia, and Vesterian,

TELOCH VOVIN will spend the rest of the year focusing on the completion of several new recordings, including their impending debut LP due out in 2017.

10/15/2016 Lucky 13 Saloon – Brooklyn, NY @ Black Metal Ritual V
