WOLVHAMMER Enters The Studio; Recording Of Fourth LP Underway

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Directly following their North American trek with Shining and Revenge, WOLVHAMMER entered New Constellation Studio in Orlando, Florida this weekend, and is currently immersed in the recording of their fourth LP, which will be completed for release later this year.

Issues WOLVHAMMER‘s Adam Clemans from the studio, “We just finished a three-week tour across the country with Revenge and Shining. Sharing the stage with those bands was a very visceral and enjoyable experience for us. We have all been supportive of both bands for some time, so we were very pleased to be able to join forces with them for a tour.

Currently we are in Orlando, Florida recording our fourth LP with Jarrett Pritchard [Goatwhore, 1349, Brutality] at New Constellation Studio and we couldn’t be more stoked. Jarrett is a talented guy who understands our sound and our vision and I truly and firmly believe that this record will be our strongest and most venomous yet. Without giving away too much, the new record has a bit of a throwback vibe to the more punk based sound and roots that originally birthed the band. But we are still expanding our sound and influences simultaneously as we are all very much into goth and deathrock bands.”

Expect further updates including label destination and additional details on WOLVHAMMER‘s new album to be issued upon its completion in the Summer months.

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